Finding a Headache Specialist

If you’ve reached the point where your primary care physician is unable to help you manage your migraine, the most appropriate next step is to look for a headache specialist or other doctor who specializes in migraine disorders. Headache Specialists The American Migraine Foundation has a fantastic tool that allows you to find a qualified HeadacheContinueContinue reading “Finding a Headache Specialist”

Migraine Types

If you’re new to migraine or just starting your research, you may be overwhelmed by the lingo used to describe different types of migraine.  Knowing which type (or types) of migraine you have can help you better describe it to your doctors, allow you to find more relevant information to your specific condition, and letContinueContinue reading “Migraine Types”

Threshold Theory

One of the most important concepts of migraine treatment, the threshold theory (sometimes called the Bucket Theory) explains how triggers build on one another and contribute to migraine symptoms collectively. Migraine Threshold If you have migraine, you have a migraine threshold – the point at which you experience a full blown episode. Some people haveContinueContinue reading “Threshold Theory”

Common Triggers

Triggers are factors that raise the likelihood of a migraine episode occurring. Everyone has different triggers, but virtually universal ones include stress, lack of sleep, skipping meals, and dehydration. Stress Stress, both good and bad, causes a lot of changes in your body that can contribute to a migraine episode.  During times of increased stress,ContinueContinue reading “Common Triggers”